Unmute tracks with "+GUIDE" keyword during count-in
Leo Bernard
Mike Drennan
Where can I see info about the guide and loopguide keywords? I don't see anything in the docs.
Leo Bernard
Mike Drennan: This is still a beta feature, so there are no docs for it yet, but there are basically 3 scenarios for the two flags:
- Normal playback: +LOOPGUIDE is muted, +GUIDE is active
- In an active loop: +LOOPGUIDE is active, +GUIDE is muted
- Another section is cued: +LOOPGUIDE and +GUIDE are muted
Let me know if you have any further questions for this :)
Mike Drennan
Leo Bernard: so essentially it’s a way to toggle looping with master midi tracks rather than marker flags?
Leo Bernard
in progress
Leo Bernard
Leo Bernard
Oh yeah, that's a good idea! I'll implement this soon.